New Ticket Vending System installed on the cog railway Sassi - Superga in Turin. The Ticket Vending is composed by two Ticket Vending Machines, which release up to 9 different kinds of ticket and can manage also the release of free tickets according the rules of the transport system. The access to the train is managed by 7 validators (Nuraia Validator E66S) installed on the already existing turnstyles, replacing the old mechanical validators. The Ticket Vending System releases tickets on QR CODE format and can integrate the next WEB ticket vending system, allowing to read and to manage tickets on electronic support (smartphone, tablet). The Ticket Vending System is supported by a virtualized server installed on board of the Company central system.
New parking placed in the Centre of Verona. This Multilevel parking allows the stay of tourist buses on the ground floor (with 60 places dedicated for them) and in the underground levels can park 439 cars. The system allows the access with different modalities: ticket barcode, ANPR and UHF TAG. The number of plate is always indicated on the ticket barcode. In addition the VIDEO TRACKING SERVICE (using the NURAIA PICTURE system) has been activated. This allows to track the vehicle during the entire series of its activities inside the parking. The pictures of the single phases (entrance, payment and exit) are recorded on the server and it can be visualized by the operator recalling the picture with the tickets code. The Parking system is composed by 4 entrance lanes, (one for the bus) 4 exit lanes (one for the bus), 4 Pay Stations (multifunctional to permit also the payment of the special tariffs for the bus) and 1 Manual Cashier. The parking system is connected to the server using a Wifi net and it's equipped with an intercom divert for the remote control of the units also using the mobile phone.
Three new installations placed in the centre of the City allow to manage, using the municipal wifi connection and a virtualized server, the off-street parking areas. The multilevel installation located inside the Citizen Hospital allows to manage not only the access of the guests but also of the personeel, reserving for this a defined sub-area.
Parking system installed on the parking area of Verona Fair, one of most important Fair Centers of Italy. The system is composed by 2 entrance lanes, 4 exit lanes and 2 Pay Stations. The parking system is connected to the server using a Wifi net and it's equipped with an intercom divert for the remote control of the units also using the mobile phone. The updates regarding the parking capacity are shared with the infomobility system of the City.
Parking System installed on the front side of the Railway Station of Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza). The system is equipped with 3 entrance lanes, 2 exit lanes and 3 Pay Stations and 1 Manual Station. The access to the parking area for the subscribers is allowed using R.F.ID technology (cards and UHF tag) the normal user use the barcode tickets. The subscriptions can be updated by the Pay Stations. Intercom device with divert for the remote control of the units and sms message allert for the communication of eventual failure of the units. Connection with the informobility system of the City with update on time of the parking capacity.
Installation of two Pay Stations in two parking structures placed in the center of the City of Venice (Piazzale Roma) managed by the Public Transport Company of the City. The realized solution allows the payment of the parking using the Pay Stations installed inside and in communication with the already existing parking system, not developed by our company, permitting the management of customized R.F.ID. tickets.
The system allows to control the entrance of the guest in the structure and using the R.F.ID. technology (bracelets) can also manage the purchasing of goods/services inside the structure. The payment of the services happens before the exit of the guests from the structure and it's managed with the manual pos installed on the reception of the structure and with the automatic cash machines (three) installed inside the structure.
The system controls the entrance of the guest in the structure and using the R.F.ID. technology (bracelets) can also manage the block/unblock of the locks of the cabinets, the purchase of goods/services inside the structure. According the italian law the system is also integrated with SIAE server permitting the management of the release of tickets for entertainment center.
POS system for the payment of LTZ tariff and reservation of place in the dedicated parking area. The POS is available 24 hours per day and permits the payment with banknotes, coins and credit cards. The POS issues a receipt of the payment with the indication also of the reference of the assigned parking place, permitting to the personnel dedicated to the visual control of the payment, to check immediately the situation of the parked bus in the dedicated area.